the phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy. Updated 1/15/2019 10:25:45 PM. the phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy

 Updated 1/15/2019 10:25:45 PMthe phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy Weegy: The repeated use of the "o" sound in "A host, of golden daffodils" is called Assonance

Weegy: Repeating the last letter or sound in a word is a technique known as: consonance. Weegy: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example. Weegy: Quickly attacking and neutralizing France was part of Germany's Schlieffen Plan. Weegy: An example of a measurable goal: Drink 64 ounces of water each day. Weegy: Repeating consonant sounds, typically the last letter of a word, is a technique known as : Consonance. User: If the gene for a trait is carried on. alliteration. User: Which element of the Treaty of Versailles exacerabted the great Depression globally?The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. metaphor. alliteration. D. There are no. " This. Question|Asked by MelanyVL. alliteration. User: "Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of Weegy: Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of SIMILE. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of? metaphor, alliteration, assonance, conconance?. The phrase "mid of May" is an example of alliteration. d. 9633. Log in for more information. Jozeal. C. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Asked 1/17/2019 9:08:56 AM. metaphor. alliteration. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. consonance. assonance. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: The technique of using words with the same vowel sound is: Assonance. metaphor. 0. There are no comments. User: "Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of Weegy: Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of SIMILE. Additionally, they can be broken up into short, non-alliterative words. The phrase "mid of May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. Updated 31 days ago|11/16/2022 9:38:23 PM. Weegy: Glucose (C6H12O6) is a simple sugar. it’s an alliteration. B. assonance. alliteration. The phrase “middle of May” is an example of an alliteration. Second, it provides a transition between two ideas in the same sentence. D. " Weegy: Personify means represent (a quality or concept) by a figure in human form. New answers. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Get an answer. wavelength = wave velocity / frequency ,wavelength = c / f , 9 = c/(1/. Weegy: A current relationship is one that is active now. Weegy: The middle ear of the human ear contains the eardrum. 006 what is the velocity of the wave Weegy: If a wave has a wavelength of 9 meters and a period of 0. Its glass walls trap the Sun's heat, which keeps plants inside the greenhouse warm — even on cold nights. Add an answer or comment. metaphor. Question. New answers. assonance. User: Which verb would make this statement an example of personification? The cell phone. alliteration. consonance. Weegy: If a poet writes, "the soil / is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod", the best paraphrasing is:. 0 Answers/Comments. C. User: When a character inhibits one primary trade throughout the story what type of character is he or she (More)User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. (3) The planet next closest to the sun is Venus. assonance. assonance. Weegy: Portugal colonized Brazil in the late 1400s. consonance Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. run a basic search. rhyme. B. D. New answers. (More) Weegy: The technique of using words with the same vowel sound is: Assonance. Weegy: The purpose of the expedition Buck takes with Thornton and his partners is to search for a gold mine. Asked 2/24/2020 12:25:02 AM. assonance. Updated 1/25/2020 12:20:26 AM. User: What is the phrase "the middle of. metaphor. D. ? Weegy: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of figurative language. b. metaphor. metaphor. alliteration. Log in for more information. Expert answered|Jeromos|Points 8185| Log in for more information. metaphor. assonance. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of Alliteration. consonance. In this first example, the verb laughed is the predicate of the sentence: Felix laughed. 0 Answers/Comments. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. User: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement, characters Weegy: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement: "characters don't always live happily. B. ? Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of Alliteration. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. Although she was positive she had finished her homework. There are no new answers. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: In "A White Heron," having made her choice between an attraction of the heart and her bond with nature,. C. boolean logic search. consonance. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. C. . User: What is the phrase "the middle of. Log in for more information. alliteration. metaphor. Updated 176 days ago|11/16/2022 9:38:23 PM. B. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of: alliteration. Asked 1/25/2021 1:59:17 PM. Score 1 User: The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a • A. B. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of • A. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. consonance. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. metaphor. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580| Log in for more information. Updated 1/25/2020 12:20:26 AM. C. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: The repeated use of the "o" sound in "A host, of golden daffodils" is called Assonance. Weegy: Conducts heat readily, is a characteristic of a metal. Add an answer or comment. Expert answered|Score 1|maimai|Points 2481| User: Which of the following terms is the Greek word for "measure"? Weegy: Meter is the Greek word for "measure". In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he liked looking at the pictures in the art gallery. C. assonance. The phrase the middle of may is a example of what? The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: The following state of matter has no definite shape but does have a fixed volume: Liquid. D. Expert answered|Score 1|Masamune|Points 78807|The phrase “the middle of May” is an example of. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. D. There are no comments. consonance. Many of what we call figures of speech are technically types of. D. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of: alliteration. metaphor. C. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. metaphor. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. assonance. consonance. C. Question. Comments. Weegy: Water is able to dissolve many substances because of its polarity. metaphor. . Added 2. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811|The phrase “the middle of May” is an example of. Middle Of May synonyms - 11 Words and Phrases for Middle Of May. Question. assonance. 6/30/2023 4:40:36 AM| 10 Answers. D. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: Oil flows upward in the wick of a lantern because of the liquid property called: capillarity. 0. The phrase "the middle of may" is an example of. Proper Nouns If the simple subject is a proper noun, it may contain many other parts of speech. D. • D. alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. New answers Rating 8 Ishm The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. alliteration. |Score . B. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. New answers. Get an answer. Weegy: The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15 C. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Rating. assonance D. Log in for more information. metaphor. 9569|jeifunk|Points 93043|Weegy: The middle ear of the human ear contains the eardrum. Weegy: The events that take place in a story make up the story's Plot. C. consonance. Score 1 User: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of. Log in for more information. Score . The phrase " the middle of may " is an example of. 6|maimai|Points 3580| Log in for more information. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. D. metaphor. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. User:. B. B. D. D. D. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Two tuning forks that vibrate at the same frequency are near each other. Weegy: Oligarchy is a government in which a small group have a firm control over a country. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Weegy: Oligarchy is a government in which a small group have a firm control over a country. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: Generally speaking, novels have: multiple settings. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811| User: The primary purpose of metaphor and. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. ). consonance. A. C. metaphor. consonance. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811| User: The primary purpose of metaphor and. The phrase the middle of May is an example alliteration. metaphor. • B. assonance. ro|Points 141040| User: "Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of A. assonance. Weegy: Generally speaking,. illustration/example d. Score 1. Log in or sign up first. Question. Comments. User: Typically, booms written in third person?Weegy: The purpose of the expedition Buck takes with Thornton and his partners is to search for a gold mine. Log in for more information. alliteration. 9569|jeifunk|Points 93043| User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. You're only paid . Search for an answer or ask Weegy. assonance. consonance. Asked 32 days ago|4/7/2023 5:37:18 PM. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. metaphor The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Comments. MsAnyaForger. 3. C. Updated 8/2/2020 11:12:18 AM. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. 6|maimai|Points 3580| User: The line "l wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a Weegy: The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a simile. Updated 43 days ago|8/10/2023 8:12:32 AM. 6/5/2023 9:32:58 PM| 12 Answers. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. B. User: Which technology is used to adjust the load connected to solar cells and increase their energy output Weegy: Maximum power point tracking is used to adjust. The phrase "mid of May" is an example. B. Weegy: The cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. B. metaphor. ro|Points 141040| User: "Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of A. Score 1. Add an answer or comment. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. assonance. Weegy: Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler would most likely be written in first person. [smile]. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. alliteration. Question. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. The straw man logical fallacy is the distortion of an opponent’s argument to make it easier to refute. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580| User: Which one of the following phrases is an example of consonance?A. D. Log in or sign up first . |Score . User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Get answers from Weegy and a team of. metaphor. Lindsey was exhausted she had not gotten enough sleep for weeks. Score 1. Updated 99 days ago|3/10/2023 4:31:57 PM. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of Alliteration. Expert answered|MichellDonovan|Points 21478| Log in for more information. consonance. Question. Question. C. Weegy: The theme of Sandburg's poem "Grass" is forgetfulness. alliteration. Question Asked 12/12/2020 7:21:01 PM Updated 12/12/2020 7:43:16 PM 0 Answers/Comments This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. B. metaphor. metaphor. O B. B. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Log in for more information. Weegy: The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere. Question|Asked by MelanyVL. Which one of the following sentences is an example of a metaphor? A. assonance. Asked 5 days ago|8/11/2023 7:40:32 PM. B. The phrase “the middle of May” is an example of. Asked 2/24/2020 12:25:02 AM. metaphor. In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he liked looking at the pictures in the art gallery. User: the phrase the middle of may is an example of Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. alliteration. 2 Answers/Comments. metaphor. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. C. B. Weegy: As a general rule, really great novels contain universal truths. Asked 1/25/2021 1:59:17 PM. metaphor. Updated 2 days ago|8/10/2023 8:12:32 AM. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811| User: The primary purpose of metaphor and simile is to What is The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. Add an answer. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. C. g. 9569|jeifunk|Points 93043|User: The phrase the middle of May is an example of Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. assonance. Question. B. C. B. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580| Log in for more information. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. emdjay23. " "Every student in my class. There are no new answers. D. " This.